Title A Study on the Creative Interfacial-mediating Process of the Unconsciousness by an Architecture as an Exhibit
Authors Yang Young-Joon ; Zheng En-Ri ; Lee Sang-Jun
Page pp.107-114
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Exhibit ; Creative ; Unconscious ; Interface ; Mediating Process
Abstract When an architect proceeds schematic design, his or her unconsciousness affect it enormously. The way that people feel and perceive their built environment reflects unconscious forms of psyche. So we can consider an exhited architecture as the results of the interfacial-mediating process from the unconscious realm of people including its architect. This abstract thing is converted to specific space by metaphorical mediation or to a masterpiece by metonym. The sprit of some places needs representation of certain architect's feeling. Louis I. Kahn might, then, realize his instinct, so he melted it with the root he thought, geometric shape. For that reason, the ceiling of Yale art gallery became triangle. Above all, these creative mediating process intervene people perceive and present themselves and they reconcile with the whole world.