Title A Study on the Collapse and the Becoming of Dichotomies in the Contemporary Architecture from a View of the Immanence
Authors Chang Yong-Soon
Page pp.133-144
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Deleuze ; Immanence ; Mode ; Dichotomy ; Infrastructure ; Landscape ; Data
Abstract The purpose of this study is to analyze the dissolution of architectural dichotomies of contemporary architecture, related to the concept of immanence. In the concept of immanence of Gilles Deleuze, which is opposed to the transcendence, the subject is not independent to the environment, but related each other inseparably. And the sense is inseparably related to the non-sense, the object is related to the ‘milieu’. The double movement of virtualization/actualization in the plane of immanence creates subject, sense, organs, etc. The similar phenomena of the deleuzien immanentism are found in the contemporary architecture. In this study, the dichotomies of the contemporary architecture are examined in three categories such as city, landscape, data. Many traditional dichotomies of building/infrastructure, building/land, architecture/landscape, architecture/program, etc are broken, and the binary poles are dissolved in the unitary field. This study intends to analyse the concept of mode, immanence, plane of consistency and to show the resonance of the immanence in the contemporary architecture.