Title A Study on the User Satisfaction of Neighborhood Street of the Multi-family Housing - Focusing on the Pedestrian Environment according to Formation Degree of Neighborhood Street -
Authors Moon Ha-Ni ; Lee You-Mii
Page pp.155-164
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Multi-family Housing ; Neighborhood Street ; Pedestrian Environment ; Satisfaction
Abstract The aim of this study is to analyze the pedestrian environment of ‘The Neighborhood Street' in multi-family housing. The neighborhood street is an important plan element for activation to the street. Through an analysis of the neighborhood street of the pedestrian environment, the impact on the entire complex by identifying residents is to provide a better environment. In this study, through literature review and case study of the neighborhood street concept and planning factors are drawn. Afterwards in Seoul, the multi-family housing across the target site of the pedestrian environment for conducting field survey and resident’s survey. The number of surveys of 221 valid questionnaires was used. Analysis of survey results is as follows. 1) Neighborhood Street showed higher satisfaction than the general streets in the items including the width of pedestrian passages, height of buildings around them, their lighting at night. 2) The plan element which the shape of the pedestrian passages, safety from crimes in them, the roads around them, crosswalk around them, and traffic lights have the effect on satisfaction of the pedestrian environment with the physical environment. 3) Neighborhood Street showed higher satisfaction than the general streets in the activation of the streets. 4) Satisfaction of the pedestrian environment with the physical environment and satisfaction of the connectivity to the cities are correlated with the satisfaction of street and whole apartment.