Title Analysis on the Sola Environmental Changes According to the Amendment of Apartment Planning Indexes in Seoul
Authors Kim Jong-Min ; Yang Seung-Woo
Page pp.203-210
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Amendment of Apartment Planning Indexes ; Solar Environment ; FAR ; D/H Ratio ; Permanent Shadow Area
Abstract The aim of this paper is to identify the changes of sola environment according to the amendment of apartment planning indexes in Seoul. D/H ratio was changed from 1.0 to 0.8. FAR and average story were rising respectively up to 20% and two stories. First of all, the average hours of the sunrise and the sunset are shortened in time. The sites, such as the ones with the sloped ground level, failed to reach the legal standard, and they increased in number. Secondly, the average shadow area increased into 14% - 16%. Third, the average of the shadow area in outer environment increased into 16% - 17%. Through this research, we have obtained a similar outcome of the sample apartment sites’ outdoor sunlight environment; however, the result of the individual unit’s sunlight environment differed greatly.