Title The Study of Enhancing Market-Share and Developing Future Strategy for the Small and Mid-sized CM Firms
Authors Kim Chan-Kyu
Page pp.127-134
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Construction Management ; The Small and Mid-sized CM Firms ; Strategy
Abstract The recent domestic construction market has shown the decrease of superintendent quality management and the increase of construction management. While the applicable projects of superintendence regulated have been diminished, construction management projects including superintendence duty are growing, This has resulted in favors of major large CM firms and small superintendence/CM firms has had few chances of market share. The small and mid-sized firms with less than 200 employees, suffering from economic recession in these days, have no choice but to enter into CM market. This study, via methods of market survey, statistical investigation, benchmarking, questionnaire and workshops, provides the effective method of entering CM market and suggests the way of enhancing competitiveness against the major CM firms.