Title A Development of Business Geographic Decision Model Through Enhancing The Huff Model - Focused on The Improvement of ESRI Model(2008) -
Authors Lee Sang-Hyun
Page pp.151-160
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Huff Model ; Business Geographic Decision ; Moderator Regression
Abstract This research intends to propose an improved model for analyzing the shopping behavior through considering the factors which the existing research has never dealt with. To achieve this goal, this research takes the three steps as follows: Firstly, to investigate the existing research such as ESRI White Paper(2008); Secondly, to propose a new shopping behavior model for overcoming the limitations of the model proposed in the ESRI White Paper(2008); Finally, to provide a way of applying the proposed model to extended area. By applying the propose model to the City of Yongin, this research shows that there is a meaningful difference between the ESRI White Paper(2008) based analysis and the proposed model based analysis and also successfully maintains the benefits of the proposed model.