Title A Study on the Landscape Cognition and Urban Image of Cheongju Citizen
Authors Kim Young-Hwan
Page pp.143-150
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Landscape Cognition ; Urban Image ; Cognitive Map ; Urban Form ; Urban Landscape ; Cheongju City
Abstract The purpose of this study is to raise the urban independence and identity by finding the solution to develop a desirable urban landscape and understanding the present condition of urban image using consciousness survey and cognitive map. For this, the study tried to do literature survey and field survey. In field survey, questionnaire survey concerning landscape element and urban image, and cognitive map drawn by Cheongju citizens were executed. Cognitive maps were drawn with various questioning methods to analyze and interpret urban form and urban landscape characteristics of the city. The urban form factors were analyzed related to urban images, and the distortion in recognizing urban form factors were studied also. The citizens of Choeongju city were appealed by its natural and historic/cultural landscape, and most of them recognized urban space mainly based on positional form than topological form. Furthermore, it was required to strengthen the landscape management such as securing view point and scenic axis, and Cheongju should become a central city in Chungcheong province considering its image as a environmental-ecological and lively commercial city.