Title A Study on the Improvement of Indoor Air Quality with Application of Finishing Materials in Newly-constructed Apartment Houses
Authors Lee Sang-Hyung ; Kim Hyung-Rae
Page pp.249-258
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Indoor Air Quality ; Finishing Materials ; Newly-constructed Apartment Houses
Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of finishing materials on the indoor air quality in newly-constructed apartment houses. In this study, the pollutant emission rate of primary finishing materials, such as furniture, flooring, wallpaper and adhesive, was evaluated by small-scale chamber method. And the indoor pollutant concentration of newly-constructed apartment houses built with the finishing materials surveyed was measured. The result of the chamber test showed that the emission rate of pollutants from furniture was remarkably higher than the other materials. With the field test result, the application effect of finishing materials was analyzed and the improvement of indoor air quality could be estimated with the emission rate and the installation area of each finishing materials.