Title An Analytical Study on the Optimal Hollow Sphere Shapes in a Biaxial Hollow Slab
Authors Chung Joo-Hong ; Choi Hyun-Ki ; Lee Seung-Chang ; Choi Chang-Sik
Page pp.3-10
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Biaxial Hollow Slab ; Hollow Sphere ; Floor System ; Finite Element Method
Abstract This paper presents optimal hollow sphere shapes in a biaxial hollow slab. To derive optimal shapes, numerical simulations using nonlinear Finite Element Methods were executed by the nonlinear finite element program ‘LUSAS’. Recently, various types of slab systems which can reduce self-weight of slabs have been studied as the height and width of building structures rapidly increase. A biaxial hollow slab system is widely known as one of the effective system which can reduce weight of slab. A biaxial hollow slab has hollow spheres within slab in order to reduce weight of slab. Because of reducing self-weight of slab by hollow spheres, size of vertical elements like walls and columns can be smaller and slabs span can be longer. A capacity of biaxial hollow slabs is influenced by the shape and volume of hollow spheres. Therefore, in this study, several biaxial hollow slabs which have different shapes of hollow spheres were analyzed by using the finite element method program in order to derive optimal hollow sphere shapes.