Title An Analytical Study on Design Factors of Diagrid Structure System for Ductility Capacity Improvement
Authors Kim Kee-Woong ; Park Sung-Soo
Page pp.93-100
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Diagrid ; Shear Lag Effect ; Composite Structure ; Pushover ; BRB
Abstract Purpose of this study is to supplement characteristic of brittle failure of diagrid system so as to look for ways to improvement seismic performance of diagrid system. Model for analysis was limited under H/500 in maximum displacement and they are 60-story diagrid system structures which comply with design code of KBC2009. Seismic performance of this model was evaluated by nonlinear static analysis and they consist of analysis model for shear lag and analysis model for ductility capacity. Considered variables are various members of diagrid, size of module, kind of composite structure, use of buckling restrained brace. Used lateral load resisting systems for composite structure are core system, rahmen system, bundle tube system, outrigger system. According to the analysis, shear lag effect is affected by diagrid member's interval and wider interval reduces shear lag effect. In ductility capacity of the diagrid system, it is not effective to modify kind of composite structure or module size. Only using the Buckling Restrained Brace(BRB) has an effect on improving the ductility capacity. Among these models, pure diagrid system with buckling restrained braces, which didn't use composite structure, showed the most effective ductility capacity for diagrid system.