Title A Study on the Development of an Assesment Methodology for CO₂Emission from Concrete Manufacturing to CIP
Authors Kim Jong-Wook ; Lee Kwang-Soo ; Shin Sung-Woo
Page pp.103-110
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Concrete ; CO₂ ; Assessment Methodology ; CIP ; Remicon Treansportation
Abstract As global warming progresses, nation around the world are trying to reduce emission of CO₂that accounts for the greatest portion of greenhouse gases. To reduce CO₂emission, it is first necessary to estimate CO₂emission of each industry. Construction industry is a national infrastructure industry that takes up 17% of GDP in korea, in addition, the concrete is most commonly used in construction industry. The purpose of this study is to estimate the CO₂emission about whole process of concrete. This study was constructed the method to evaluated CO₂emission generated in the stage of material production, material transportation, manufacture, remicon transportation, and pouring concrete.