Title A Study on the Fire-evacuation Plan based on Performance Design of Underground Theater
Authors Choi Yong-Seok ; Moon Jung-Man ; An Kwang-Ho
Page pp.123-130
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Performance Based Design ; Numerical Analysis ; Evacuation ; Fire Simulation ; Underground Space
Abstract In this study, the evacuation of underground theater was investigated by applying 'performance-based design' of fire-evacuation plan. The risk of occupants in the Underground theater is high, because the evacuation routes coincide with smoke movement and long congestion delay by high density of spectators. Therefore, the investigation of occupants evacuation safety through the smoke movements is one of the most important factor of 'performance-based design' The results of this study were as follows; 1) Without smoke removal system, the safety of 120 of 800 occupants could not secured. 2) The ventilation standards for underground could not sufficiently secure the safety of occupants. 3) In case of operating ventilation system 4 times of ventilation standards, the evacuation time was sufficiently secured.