Title An Analysis of Physical Environment Characteristics Impact on Job Satisfaction - Focusing on Characteristics of Office Furniture, Indoor Environment, and Spatial Planning in Open-Plan Office
Authors Yoo Sung-Eun ; Ha Mi-Kyoung
Page pp.131-138
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Open-plan Office ; Physical Environment Characteristics ; Environmental Satisfaction ; Job Satisfaction
Abstract Work environment is an important factor affecting productivity and quality of life of employees. The purpose of this study is to analyse the physical environment characteristics that impact on job satisfaction. Questionnaire concerning satisfaction with physical environment including office furniture, indoor environment conditions, and space planning, and environmental and job satisfaction was analyzed. Three-step mediated regression analysis was used to test a model linking the physical environment, through overall environmental satisfaction, to job satisfaction. Even though workers in open plan office show low satisfaction with physical conditions and overall environment, job satisfaction was little higher than environmental satisfaction. Among office furniture, indoor environment and spatial planning, spatial planning elements was appeared to be most affective to overall environmental satisfaction. Results confirmed the important role of physical environment in job satisfaction, mediated by overall environmental satisfaction. There is a limit to generalize the results because this study is based on survey. However, it contributes to help understanding the physical conditions impact on job satisfaction in open-plan office environment. The results of this study can be utilized as useful information when office space is relocated or new office space are designed.