Title |
Correlation Analysis Between the Color Image Sequence and the Accessibility Each Subject Exhibition Area |
Authors |
Song Jung-Hwa ; Lim Che-Jin ; Choi Young-Sin |
Keywords |
Children Museum ; Color Image ; Sequence |
Abstract |
Museums are one of not many experience education places in the modern society. Especially children's museums provide hands-on experiences for children to actually touch and feel with their five senses additionally to protections and exhibitions of relics unlike traditional museums with relics. This study was carried out on 'two children's museums' that have similar sizes and exhibition programs. First, space structures, visitors' movements and experience exhibition styles of educational subjects of each museum were analyzed using Lynchi's image sequence map. Then, using analyzed major nodes and visual images of visitors' movements, following two matters were estimated and analyzed. First, accessibilities to each space was estimated through surveys in which major visitors, children and parents, participated. Second, considering characteristics of estimated accessibility of each museum, color image sequences of exhibition areas were extracted and analyzed using Thiel's vertical sequnce map. The purpose of this study is to consider relations of accessibility characteristics of areas of each museum and color image sequences and to analyze such color image sequences, so that color image formations that induce smooth flow of sequences for the characteristics of two museums can be pursued by reducing differences in accessibilities of major visitors, children and parents. |