Title The Meaning of Communication in Louis Kahn’s Architecture
Authors Lim Sung-Hun ; Lee Yong-Heum ; Lee Dong-Eon
Page pp.181-188
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Institutions ; Order ; Beginning ; Louis Kahn
Abstract Louis Kahn‘s late buildings reveal the subtle nature. The prior ones express strong characteristics of space, it rather than reveals complex and calm character. These differences described as the notice of completion of his architecture. In this paper, however, these characteristics matter of expression rather than changes in the architectural concept is to grasp. For his architectural point of view has not changed significantly, such that a change in perspective is to expose. On the other hand, this interpretation meant the reduction of the meaning of Kahn's works that reviews can be thought of that. However, in this paper such an expression was an important matter in his architecture, and that was a way to achieve his architectural ideas is to claim to be.