Title A Study on the Characteristic Variation of Fire Safety through Weight Analysis of Fire Safety Attributes in Commercial Buildings
Authors Na Wook-Jung ; Hong Won-Haw
Page pp.287-294
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Commercial Building ; Fire Safety Attributes ; Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP) ; Weight Analysis
Abstract In today, the interests have been significantly increased to utilize the old buildings. But most of building projects have got done without considering fire prevention. From the trends, the study focuses on measuring fire prevention with subject to old commercial buildings, and develops the figures over applying into remodeling projects. For this purpose, the study conducts firstly to measure the weighted/aggravated figures by using the statistics of Likert's Scale and AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process). From given data, the analysis conducts to identify the features of fire prevention over old commercial buildings, in terms of measuring weighted/aggravated figures and the historic years of standing buildings. As of the research, the outcome highlights the importance of fire prevention/safety issues for the event of fire; meanwhile it appears relatively less important aspect of building circumstances. Further, there are gaps about 30 percentages identified between 10 years-old buildings and 20 years-old buildings, in terms of fire prevention. Also, the significant differences of functions are noted in fire divisions and evacuating facilities.