Title Effective BIPV Application Method for Reduction of Building Energy Consumption at High-rised Office Building
Authors Yoon Jong-Ho ; Shin U-Cheol ; Oh Myung-Hwan ; Park Jae-Wan
Page pp.333-342
ISSN 12269093
Keywords BIPV ; BAPV ; Building Energy ; High-rised Office Building
Abstract The major objective was for effective ways to apply solar power systems at high-rised buildings. First, Analysis the building energy consumption to apply rooftop BAPV at high-rised office building. As a result, reduction rate of building energy was gradually redused by high-rise will be upset. To improve these disadvantages, apply 5 kinds of BIPV alternatives instead of window or finish materials at high-rised office building. A primarily, applied BIPV system can reduce the heating and cooling loads. secondly, It can reduce building energy consumption to generate the electricity. In addition, reduction rate of building energy was constant by high-rise will be upset. A mixture of two kinds of systems(BIPV and BAPV) installed share with each other to produce power results, BIPV system was effective in certain stories. Therefore, If low-rised scale of office building installed the solar power system you sould apply the BAPV system, it can be relatively effective, but high-rise office buildings in order to reduce the energy applied BIPV system is surely needed.