Title A Study on the Visual Tactility through Expression of the Finishing Materials in Commercial Spaces
Authors Lee Gok-Sook ; Seo Ji-Eun
Page pp.39-46
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Commercial Space ; Visual Tactility ; Space Perseption ; Finish Material ; Expression Method
Abstract This study analyzed the ways of expressing of the visual tactility appeared through finishing materials in "Commercial spaces". And the result is as follows. First, the visual tactility is to experience various touch through only perception of eyes. Especially, we can know that finishing materials is important to charge the perception in commercial spaces. Second, we classified nine pairs of adjective words of tactility and four expression factors of visual tactility through preceding study. And we chose adjective words in the following manner : ‘soft-hard’, ‘tender-stiff’, ‘smooth-rough’, ‘squashy-resilient’, ‘thin-thick’, ‘light-heavy’, ‘warm-cool’, ‘moist-dry’, ‘glossy-matt’. And also we chose the expression of factors of visual tactility as these four things : ‘material’, 'color’, ‘texture’ and ‘pattern’. Third, we chose examples centering around commercial space which shows the expression of visual tactility well. After we had established based on adjective words and the expression factors of visual tactility as above-mentioned, we took a survey. And we could suggest the expression ways of finishing material for the visual tactility through this question. Finally, we hope that more various ways of expression of finishing materials will be presented by this study to perceive the visual tactility.