Title The Feasibility of LED Lighting as the Street Light's Lighting
Authors Choi Seung-Hak ; Song Seung-Min ; Kim Do-Nyun
Page pp.65-72
ISSN 12269093
Keywords LED Street Light ; Environment-Friendly Street Light ; IP-Intelight ; LED Lighting
Abstract The focus of this paper is determining feasibility of environment-friendly LED street light in spotlight. LED lighting has been developed in a variety of areas including street lighting as next generation of lighting. This study, therefore, firstly verified the functionality and eco-friendly effect of LED street lighting as street light source by analyzing the IP-Intelight the intelligent LED street light in the SangamDMC. Secondly, the economic validity shown in this paper was verified in long term use although LED lights in the initial installation costs are certainly expensive in comparison with traditional street lights. Finally, the study determined the feasibility of LED street light in future light sources and effects in economy and eco-friendly environment when LED street light has come into wide use.