Title A Comparison Study on Operation Programs of National Green Architecture-related Organizations
Authors Kim Hak-Kun ; Lee Jung-Hyung
Page pp.121-132
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Green Architecture ; Environmental Friendly Architecture ; Integrated Operations ; USGBC ; GBCI ; BRE Trust ; GBCA ; IBEC ; JSBC
Abstract This research investigates current operation status of green architecture-related organizations and suggests several recommendations to improve inefficient green architecture policies in Korea. The diverse approaches, such as green building certification systems, eco-friendly and low-energy construction technologies, investment on specialized green architecture researches, etc., have been executed to support green architecture under the green growth policies of the Korean government. In addition, several green architecture-related institutions and organizations have been working to drive green architecture processes. In spite of these efforts, overall improvements and synergy effects have not been achieved to the level of the satisfaction mainly due to the lack of operational integration of those respective organizations. Therefore, this study compares operational characteristics of green architecture-related organizations of five countries. As the results of investigation, 1) unified operation of green architecture institution, 2) training of professionals of green architecture, 3) systematization of education of green architecture, and 4) unified of operation of certification system were recommended. These suggestions could be used to develop more specified integration plan of the future green architecture-related organizations and establish detailed programs and roles of respective organizations.