Title The Evaluation of Planning Elements in the Senior Housing Environment based on Characteristics of Elderly
Authors Kim Dae-Jin ; Shin Hye-Kyeong ; Ryu Ho-Sik
Page pp.151-160
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Senior Housing Environment ; Characteristics of Elderly ; Evidence-based Design
Abstract As basic research to plan ‘Aging friendly smart home based on healthcare', The purpose of study is to derive physical environment spatial elements for formation housing for elderly. Furthermore, the ultimate purpose for this study is to improve health of aged and then contribute to improve of the quality of life. This research identified, through literature study, planning factors and elements. In addition by conducting a survey, it examined the importance of each elements and thus analyzed case study to evaluate application condition in senior housing in Korea and US. From these research method, this study emphasize on important to understanding of various characteristics of elederly people from long-term viewpoint and needs to implement a senior-centered design. The result of this study can be used to modify existing guidelines for housing for elderly.