Title A Study on Simple Construction : Design for Poverty, Pursuit of Essentialism, or Appropriation of New Aesthetics
Authors Nam Sung-Taeg ; Lee Sang-Jin
Page pp.181-192
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Simple Construction ; Vernacular Architecture ; Design for Poverty ; Primitive Hut ; Catalogue ; Minimalism ; Ready-made
Abstract The study focuses on ‘Simple Construction', which can be explained as use of simple means and methods for the construction. Though Simple Construction and Minimalism might share numerous similar cases, they are clearly distinguished in terms of focus on the procedure versus emphasis on the final result, form. The cases of Simple Construction are often the results of limited means under ultimate environment, and are usually constructed by ordinary people. During such a simple construction process with poor means and methods, most unnecessary ornaments have to be reduced, and paradoxically, these become the basis for architectural theories by recognizing architectural substances. Simple construction has also generated diverse contemporary design trends, and influenced new aesthetics, such as Art of catalogue, Minimal Art, Ready-made construction, etc.