Title The Character of Urban Design around the Riverfront Area in Korea - Focused on the Composition of Public Space and Land Use Pattern -
Authors Kwon Young-Sang ; Cho Min-Sun
Page pp.251-260
ISSN 12269093
Keywords River ; Riverfront ; Urban Design ; Landscape ; Urban Structure ; Public Space ; Land Use
Abstract Historically, the riverfront has bound up with the daily life of city. However, even though the meaning and value of riverfront, it has been handled in terms of flood control and irrigation, separated with urban space. And former research related with riverfront area has concentrated on the partial SOC design not based on the whole urban structure. So, the aim of this study is to draw the characters of urban design around the riverfront arrived by the urban structure such as composition of public space and land use pattern. The result of this study is as follows: 1) As the concern of public space, there were lots of public space such as park, public architecture, and stadium near the river and it works as landmark and specific open space. However, the disconnection of riverfront and urban space caused by vertical bank and some public architecture were located revealing the reverse side to the river. 2) As the concern of land use pattern, the housing district shows the monolithic landscape and the landscape near the river running east-west direction shows more closed landscape by the apartment facing the south. And the commercial district played the role of landmark in case of high-rise residential and commercial complex or department store, but some small commercial buildings damaged the harmonized urban scape. The meaning of this study is that it can provide the fundamental source of the urban planning and design principles deliberating the characters of urban design around the riverfront in Korea.