Title An Analysis of the Ventilation Performance in High-Rise Apartment with the Use of Natural Ventilation Duct
Authors Kim Hyung-Keun ; Moon Jung-Man ; Choi Yong-Seok
Page pp.309-316
ISSN 12269093
Keywords High-Rise Apartment ; Natural Ventilation ; Natural Ventilation Duct ; CFD Simulation
Abstract The purpose of this study was to analyze the indoor ventilation performance by CFD simulation in the high-rise apartment according to the use of natural ventilaion duct. There are several ventilation problems in high-rise apartment becase of compact design. Natural Ventilation Duct(NVD) is devised for solving ventilation problem by air inflow from outdoor through Bernoulli's effect. To analyze NVD performance, two theoretical model was designed. One is existing study model, and the other one is reform model which improve the performance of first model. The results of this study were as follows; the 1st model showed ventilation performance to some degree. But, there was the inverse ventilation. The 2nd model showed better ventilation performance than 1st model. Moreover 2nd model solved the inverse vetilation problem of 1st model. So, it could be possible to put NVD to practical use later.