Title Evaluation on Impact Resistance Performance of Fiber Reinforced Mortar under High-Velocity Impact of Projectile
Authors Kim Gyu-Yong ; Nam Jeong-Soo ; Miyauchi Hiroyuki
Page pp.101-108
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Impact Resistance Performance ; Fiber Reinforced ; High-Velocity Load ; Projectile ; Tensile Strain
Abstract Recently, the damaged building and loss of life have been increasing by man-made disasters. In this study, the impact resistance performance of fiber reinforced concrete against high-velocity projectile was evaluated by using high pressure gas apparatus and AUTODYN. Plain mortar specimen was penetrated by steel projectile at 350 m/s and was fractured heavily at the backside. On the other hand, the PVA, PE and STF specimens reinforced with fiber have higher impact resistance than plain mortar, and were analyzed by Hughes equation. Finally, the impact resistance of specimens was calculated from viewpoint of fracture mode by AUTODYN and it was concluded that fiber reinforced concrete improve the impact resistance performance.