Title Developing Construction Object Library for BIM based Building Construction Planning
Authors Jun Ki-Hyun ; Yun Seok-Heon
Page pp.143-151
ISSN 12269107
Keywords BIM(Building Information Modeling) ; 4D Simulation ; 3D Object Library
Abstract In order to complete construction projects successfully, detailed pre-construction planning is very important. Recently, many construction projects have adopted BIM-based technologies and 4D simulation is the most famous technology in BIM. The construction equipments and temporary resources object libraries are important elements for pre-construction planning and 4D simulation. However, because of lack of object libraries of construction equipments and temporary resources, they have not been used properly in 4D construction simulation. This study suggests the priorities of object libraries of construction equipments and temporary resources for construction simulation, and defines the key properties of them. In the case study, the tower crane object library is developed and the key properties are defined.