Title |
Expected Effect and Applicable Alternatives of CPTED Elements for School Crime Prevention |
Authors |
Park, Sung-Chul ; KimJin-Wook |
Keywords |
Educational Facility ; School ; Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design(CPTED) ; Prioritization |
Abstract |
The purpose of this study is to prioritize the CPTED(Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) elements in terms of school facilities. Literature review on 2 oversea and 1 domestic cases showed that CPTED can reduce the financial loss and fear of crime. Especially, the oversea cases analyzed that CPTED saved a half of crime prevention cost. Focused on 62 major elements selected from Florida Safe School Guidelines, the case study showed most portion of the spaces have a low level of CPTED. 100 principals and 290 teachers were asked to response to the effect of the safety-related policies and expected effect in order to present the relative weights of the major elements. Firstly, effective policies in the upper ranks are CCTV, school guardian, SOS, and suppoters. Based on the average of Likert Scale, clusetring analysis classified 62 CPTED elements into 5. Finally, case base applications were proposed for high ranked 9 CPTED elements, like CCTV performance, remote place, guard area, underground parking lot. Through the result of this study, it is expected that the government can make a effect decision on school crime prevention. |