Title A Study on Dwelling Experience and Dwelling Behavior of Single Elderly through the 'Self-Identity'
Authors Park, Jung-Hoon ; YooJae-Woo
Page pp.111-120
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Single Elderly ; Self-Identity ; Dwelling Behavior ; Transformation ; Dwelling Experience
Abstract The purpose of this study is to analyse the factors the elderly's experience and self-identity affect residents' consciousness and behaviors of the single elderly. For this study, basically we analyzed as follows; 1. Through previous studies, this study is to arrange the concepts about the aged, the elderly's housing, self-identity, place attachment, dwelling behavior and resident's consciousness. 2. This study is to analyze self-identity that appears in habitation as place attachment behaviors, residents' behaviors and consciousness of the single elderly. Through these process, we have found results that self-identity formed through experiences of dwelling can be classified into 4 types, focusing on places, privacy, past and ego types and its relation on self-identity and dwelling behavior, and its characteristics concluded.