Title A Study on the Binary Opposition of Rem Koolhaas’s Architecture - Focused on the Myth of Roland Barthes’s Sign -
Authors Moon, Jung-Pil
Page pp.139-146
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Rem Koolhaas's Architecture ; Binary Opposition ; Roland Barthes's Sign ; Myth ; Ideology
Abstract This research aims at shedding light on the fact that Koolhaas has approached the modern and structuralism architecture for a long time and at examining the identity breaking away from structuralism due to the binary opposition of sign involved in architecture through Barthes’s mythicism. The binary opposition exposed by the architectural program that he has presented to the modern architecture are to bring forward and ideologicalize the reality which can fully permeate into the modern society. In other words, it deconstructs the false myth from the viewpoint of nature, and is connected to the spatial perspective of the ideology of the modern society from the true historical viewpoint and forms the simultaneity of time and space revealed in a modern way, which can be regarded as the reconciliation between what’s traditional of the modern times and the contemporary. Therefore, Koolhaas creates unconstrained and flexible style of architecture leaving structuralism by not only accepting the modern architecture and the frame of structuralism but also faithfully reflecting the program embracing the chaos of the modern society into architecture.