Title Analysis of Natural Wind Characteristics of Jamsil Lotte Super Tower Construction Site through Actual Measurements by Doppler SODAR
Authors Cho, Kang-Pyo ; JeongSeung-Hwan
Page pp.81-88
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Wind Velocity ; Doppler SODAR ; Exposure ; Power Law Exponent ; Gradient Height
Abstract The characteristics of mean wind velocity profile at Jamsil Lotte Super Tower construction site using Doppler SODAR are analyzed. Wind velocities are measured at a total of twenty five levels, at 35-meter intervals from 76 meters to 916 meters, and are averaged for ten minutes. Also, the occurrence frequency of wind velocity by wind direction is estimated. The area that Jamsil Lotte Super Tower will be constructed corresponds to exposure A according to Korean Building Code. The mean wind velocity profile and the power law exponent at Jamsil Lotte Super Tower construction site are estimated using data measured by Doppler SODAR and are compared with those of Korean Building Code.