Title Empirical Investigation and Comparative Analysis of Urban Public Underground Space - With Focused on the Underground Public Pedestrian Facilities in Busan Metropolitan City -
Authors Lee, Gahng-Ju ; JungSeong-Hwan
Page pp.43-52
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Underground Space ; Underground Public Pedestrian Facility ; Facility Criteria
Abstract The purpose of this study is to analyze the underground public pedestrian facilities in Busan Metropolitan City according to the analytical frame composed of 24 items. It, also, provide a basic study as cornerstone of revitalizing city space by underground public pedestrian facilities. As a result of the research work, the study finds out some problems about the facilities as follow. ① Elements of passageway. There are no secure place for skylight in elements of passageway and the height and extent of plaza are below standards. ② Elements of shop. The facilities did not fulfil the restriction of shop installation and the size of shop. ③ Elements of entrance. The facilities showed some deficiencies on installation of escalators, canopies and width of entrance. ④ Elements of amenity. It is not necessary item but overall experiencing shortage.