Title LCC Analysis for Optimized Application of Renewable Energy of Eco-friendly School
Authors Kim, Hyung-Keun ; An, Kwang-Ho ; Choi, Yong-Seok
Page pp.83-90
ISSN 12269093
Keywords EnergyPlus ; Environmental-Friendly Building ; Renewable Energy ; Renewable Factor ; CO2 ; LCC
Abstract In this study, LCC(Life Cycle Cost) was analyzed by actively applying renewable equipmet for reducing energy use. Economic plan for school was suggested by analyzing LCC of each alternative system. Each alternative system was made by the order of priority of energy use, property of use, pattern of use. Also, CO2 production of Each alternative system was investigated. Through the result of each alternative, economical efficiency of each system was analyzed. Economical efficiency of energy of lower installment cost per unit is higher than others. Also, a payback period is faster. Particular energy sources which have high education effect is needed to be considered for school. Cost of this kind of system could be decreased by technology development and standardization. And it is needed that support benefit of public facilities by establishing standard. Economical efficiency could be improved by cost decrease through these methods.