Title Fire Resisance Performance of High Strength Concrete Using Alumino-Silicate Fire Resistant Board and C-STUD
Authors Kim, Seong-Hwan ; Park, Ji-Sun ; Lee, Sea-Hyun
Page pp.103-110
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Alumino-Silicate ; Fire Resistant Board ; Fire Resistance Performance ; High-Strength Concrete
Abstract As high-rise buildings are increasingly constructed on recent days, high-strength concrete is also increasingly used. However, since high-strength concrete happens to have a spalling phenomenon, it is currently required to ensure the fire safety of high-strength concrete as soonest as possible. Therefore, a number of research and development projects are in progress for developing a construction method to ensure the fire-proofing performance of high-strength concrete. In this study, discussion has been done on the fire-proofing performance of the member which was constructed by dry-covering high-strength concrete with alumino-silicate fire resistant board and C-STUD