Title A Tentative Study on the Relationship of Liquidated Damages Clause and Contract Period Prolongation Systems
Authors Cho, Young-Jun
Page pp.185-192
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Contract Period ; Prolongation ; Liquidated Damage ; Claim
Abstract Delay and prolongation is a general phenomenon in construction industry due to various change order, differing site condition, introduction of new technology and other causes. These events can directly or indirectly effect original contract period and contract amount. The general conditions of construction contract which is used by Government includes notice process in case of these relevant events occurrence. Many researches of contract delay and it's analysis have been suggested, nevertheless contract delay is still a big issue in a construction contract. Therefore the process of contract delay clause enactment and the change of the clause was investigated. And the problems between the clause and the liquidated damage clause were case by case analysed and alternatives were suggested in this study.