Title |
A Study on the Correlation Analysis Between Site Planning Factors of The National Rental Apartment and Residential Satisfaction of the Elderly |
Authors |
Kim, Kot-Song-I ; WhangHee-Joon |
Keywords |
Site Planning ; Outdoor Space ; Planning of Block Type ; Residential Satisfaction of the Elderly |
Abstract |
Recently, Seoul City Authority has a plan to distribute national rental housing by SH Corporation to reflect the preferences for the apartments and to solve the budget problems of the elderly. Its because the elderly recently show their interests in national rental housing as a alternative space for independent life and in the design of the housing types. Especially in Seoul, the national rental housing for the elderly has been designed not only to live alone by themselves but also to get along with the younger generation. This study started with a hypothesis that the elderly in the national rental housing has not been satisfied with the physical environmental factors of the housing. In Korea, LH Public Corporation suggested a design criteria for the housing plan of the elderly. This model, however, mainly offered detailed guidelines for the unit plan but did not suggest guidelines for the site plan and exterior spaces. Housing for the elderly must be planned with the consideration for the exterior physical environmental factors together with the design factors of the unit plan. Therefore, this study chiefly aims to suggest the physical environmental factors which can give satisfaction to the elderly in the national rental housing through correlational analysis between the site planning factors and the residential satisfaction factor of the national rental housing for the elderly. The factors to be considered at the planning stage of the national rental housing for the elderly are as follows ; Planning a circulation road type, mixed type can make the elderly to participate outdoor sport in the housing complex. Allocating the national rental housing for the elderly at the center of the complex and placing the elder’s center in the vicinity of the plaza or other exterior spaces are expected to generate successive community in the complex. Planning a multi-purpose space on the ground floor can generate community with neighbors. Planning kiosks, benches, parasol tables in the housing complex can make elderly feel like enjoying outdoor activity and generate community regardless of the weather. Designing a balcony access type core and widened balcony to secure space for planting environment is expected to provide the space with a vista for staying as well as a space for communication. |