Title A Study on the Recent Characteristics of Protestant Church Architecture's Worship Space in Korea - Focused on the Protestant Church Architecture in Noeun, a New Town in Daejeon -
Authors Lee, Hee-Jun
Page pp.137-144
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Protestant Church Architecture ; Worship Space ; Plan Type ; Pulpit ; Choir Seat ; Denominations ; Noeun New Town
Abstract This paper focuses on the attributes of the recently built Protestant Church architecture’s worship space in South Korea, portraying the basic components of worship space that is the most fundamental and central venue in Protestant Church architecture. It details the following results from the church buildings that are located in Noeun, a new town in Dae-jeon. First, all denominations have preferred a rectangular shape in regards to the planning of worship space, but as there is a recent desire for a closer relationship between a pulpit and the congregation through the centralization of the audience, there is an increase in the utilization of individual seats, as opposed to the traditional seating of elongated pews, which are shared by many people. Second, as the pulpit that is used for preaching is considered to be more important than when used for Communion or Baptism, all denominations require that the location follows the traditional configuration and prefers a central platform which is most useful in allowing the congregation to concentrate on a sermon. Third, since the choir members prefer to be near the vicinity of the congregation, it will be placed to the left or right of the platform in order to face the same direction towards the pulpit and be arranged as fellow members of the congregation.