Title A Study on Deriving the Optimal Elevator Vertical Zoning Method for Office Use of High-rise Buildings
Authors Choi, Jae-Pil ; Lee, Jung-Won ; Kang, June-Kyung ; Kim, Do-Young ; Jeong, Eun-Seok
Page pp.181-188
ISSN 12269093
Keywords High-rise Buildings ; Office Use ; Elevator Planning ; Vertical Zoning Method
Abstract Core planning is one of the most significant elements in planning high-rise buildings. Elevator planning, in particular, can be considered as a major part in this area. When establishing elevator plans for high-rise buildings, vertical zoning is a critical factor. Elevator planning is not only an important planning factor for efficient vertical transportation and cost reduction, but is also a field which needs efficient planning methods based on technical development. In this research, optimal vertical zoning methods are drawn from tested calculation methods. This quantitative method is different from other studies of high-rise buildings elevator planning methods that are based on case analysis. The purpose of this research is to ease the decision making process for architects by providing preliminary data for determining optimal elevator vertical zoning methods when planning high-rise buildings.