Title The Time of the Effect of Neighborhood Unit Principle to the Planning of Residential Areas in Seoul in the Japanese Colonial Times - Based on the Areas of the Land Readjustment Project(1937~42) and the Residential Complex Project(1940~44) -
Authors Kwon, Yong-Chan ; JeonBong-Hee
Page pp.189-200
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Neighborhood Unit Principle ; Land Readjustment Project ; Residential Complex Project ; Seoul ; Clarence. A. Perry
Abstract Under the demographic pressure of Seoul in 1930s and 40s, most of residential areas in Seoul were developed by means of the Land Readjustment Project(LRP, 1937~42) and the Residential Complex Project(RCP, 1940~44) planned by the Japanese Colonists from the late 1930`s to the early 1940`s. Meanwhile, the Neighborhood Unit Principle(NUP) of C.A.Perry(1929) have been widely known to have affected the plan of residential areas in Seoul. There are a few studies on NUP but the starting point when NUP affected is not clearly agreed. In this study, documents of conceptual debate on the method of LRP and related materials containing the plan of the public parks in Seoul published from the late 1920`s to the late 1930`s are analyzed and compared. Furthermore, three areas of LRP planned in the late 1930`s and three areas of RCP planned after 1940 are also analyzed based on NUP and compared with each other. The analysis and comparison of the related documents shows that the NUP began to affect the related discussions from the late 1920`s. This means that experts of urban planning at that time might have a similar way of thinking at least from the late 1920`s. The analysis and comparison of the three areas of LRP and RCP shows that NUP started to affect from the late 1930`s and arrangement of public institution was the main focus of the application of NUP. Based on these works, on the contrary to a former study, it can be said that the NUP affected the LRP as early as in the second half of 1930s.