Title The Study on Energy Performance Measurement and Energy Self-sufficiency Analysis of KIER Zero Energy Solar House II
Authors Jeong, Seon-Yeong ; Baek, Nam-Choon ; Yoon, Jong-Ho ; Shin, U-Cheul ; Kim, Yong-Kyoung ; Kang, Seung-Hoon
Page pp.307-314
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Zero Energy Solar House ; Energy Self-sufficiency ; Building Energy ; Building Integrated Photovoltaic System(BIPV) ; Building Integrated Solar Thermal System(BIST) ; Ground Source Heat Pump ; Renewable Hybrid Heating & Cooling
Abstract In this study, the performance measurement and energy analysis of KIER Zero Energy Solar House (KIER ZeSH-II) was carried out. KIER ZeSH-II was designed and constructed in the end of 2009 for the purpose of more than 70% energy self-sufficiency in total load as well as less than 20% of additional construction cost. The several building energy conservation technologies like as super insulation, high performance window, waste heat recovery system, etc and renewable energy system. The renewable heating and cooling system is a kind of solar thermal system combined with geo-source heat pump as a back-up device. The capacity of 3.15kWp solar BIPV system was also installed on the roof. The measurement by monitoring system of ZeSH-II was conducted for one year from January 2010 to December 2010. The energy self-sufficiency and economic analysis were conducted based on the this monitoring result. As a result, the energy self sufficiency is about 94% which is higher than that of the target. The results proved that commercial possibility of next generation Zero Energy Solar House.