Title A Study on the Annual Variations of Fire Protection System and Malfunctioning Characteristics in Commercial Buildings
Authors Na, Wook-Jung ; Lee, Ho-Young ; Hong, Won-Hwa
Page pp.325-332
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Commercial Building ; Fire Protection System ; Malfunctioning Characteristic ; Annual Variation
Abstract It is essential to check the function of fire protection system to minimize the fire damage. However, it is hard to ensure that the fire protection system works properly because it is rarely used and it takes long time to be discarded and renewed. Therefore, this paper investigates the kinds of fire protection system in details targeting the buildings in central commercial district which has a variety of potential fire hazards. The annual variations and malfunctioning characteristics are compared and analyzed by conducting visual inspection and function checks about fire protection system. As a result, it is found that the buildings in existence for more than 20 years have 18.7% more defective fire extinguish, 23.5% more defective indoor hydrant, 15.9% more defective automatic fire alarm system, and 6.4% more defective emergency exit sign comparing to the buildings in existence for less than 10 years.