Title A Study of Correlation Between Glazing Performance and Building Energy - Focused on the U-value, SHGC and VLT in a Curtain Wall Building -
Authors Yoon, Jae-Hoon ; Hong, Won-Wha ; Hwang, Woo-Jin ; Choi, Won-Ki
Page pp.341-348
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Building Energy ; U-value ; SHGC ; VLT ; EnergyPlus ; Glazing Performance ; Curtain Wall
Abstract In case of newly constructed office buildings, the construction types of their vertical envelope are almost curtain-wall system or high WWR. These kinds of buildings have problems with energy efficiency. So, national regulations on building energy efficiency have been established, but the regulations focused on the U-value, air leakage and SC of window. The building which have large windows on their vertical envelopes is influenced by solar energy. Therefore, window's optical properties; SHGC, VLT are important factors for building energy. In this study, the correlation between glazing performance(U-value, SHGC and VLT) and energy consumption in office buildings was analyzed with simulation. EnergyPlus was used for building energy simulation. The main results of this study are as follows; 1) As U-value is decreased, heating energy is decreased within a range of 34.3% and cooling energy is increased within a range of 10.1% . And the sum of heating, cooling and lighting energy is minimum at U-value 1.20 W/㎡?℃. 2) As SHGC is decreased, heating energy is increased within a range of 28% and cooling energy is decreased within a range of 29%. And the sum of heating, cooling and lighting energy is dramatically decreased, because the change of cooling energy is greater than heating energy. 3) As VLT is decreased, the increment of heating energy and the decrement of cooling energy are alike.