Title Comparison of Experiment and Egress Modeling for Bottleneck Effect
Authors Kim, Jong-Hoon ; Yoo, Byung-Jin ; Hwang, Eun-Kyoung ; Youn, Ho-Ju
Page pp.93-100
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Flow Rate ; Egress Experiment ; Egress Modeling ; Comparison ; Validation
Abstract Bottleneck effect is one of natural phenomena during egress from building on fire. The reason of bottleneck effect is that many people crowd to narrow doorway or corridor. Time delay by this effect is a very important factor for egress time prediction when fire occurred in building. In this study, comparison of egress experiment and egress modeling using Pathfinder were conducted to find out the accuracy of egress prediction. Validation of egress model will give a good information to fire safety evaluation for buildings.