Title Lessons from the U.S.'s Procurement System for Architectural Services
Authors Kim, Do-Nyun ; KimJee-Yeop
Page pp.121-128
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Architectural Design ; Architectural Services ; Procurement
Abstract This study seeks to analyze the procurement system for architectural services in U.S. to draw some lessons for the Korean system. To do so, it explored the U.S.'s laws and tools concerning the procurement for architectural services. It found that the U.S. adopted the QBS(Qualification Based Selection Process) under the Brook Act in 1972, which is an independent procurement system for architectural services and engineering services. The federal government and 41 state governments use QBS as a primary tool for architectural services. Although New York City exceptionally uses the "Double-Envelope" system, its mechanism was adopted by considering the characteristics of architectural services. This study suggests the improvement schemes for the Korean system for architectural services based on the experiences of U.S. First, the clear legal definition of architectural services is essential. Second, the current tools such as PQ, turnkey, or price competition should not be used because they are not for architectural services, but for construction industry. Third, therefore, an independent procurement system considering the unique characters that the architectural services have should be adopted.