Title The Development of Object-oriented Building Life Cycle CO2 Assessment System(LOCAS)
Authors Roh, Seung-Jun ; Tae, Sung-Ho ; Baek, Cheong-Hoon ; Shin, Sung-Woo ; Lee, Joo-Ho ; Lee, Jun-Seo ; An, Jang-Ho
Page pp.101-108
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Building ; Life Cycle ; CO2 ; Energy
Abstract This study purports to construct a system that assesses the life cycle CO2 emissions of a building according to the progress of the construction project and to thus develop a object-oriented building life cycle CO2 assessment program that can execute a comprehensive evaluation of the CO2 emissions resulting from construction activities. To achieve this, this study first investigated the standards of the ISO 14040 Series and trends in domestic and international studies on the life cycle CO2 emission assessment program for a building after analyzing the study trends and necessary elements; then, items and methods of building life cycle assessment that are suitable to the conditions in Korea were chosen. The composition of the building life cycle CO2 assessment program was subdivided into 4 systems : a simplified assessment system, a detailed assessment system, a site assessment system, and an assessment analysis system, according to the object of the building life cycle CO2 assessment and by reviewing the range and timing of the building life cycle assessment by construction project phase. A database that can be applied efficiently to this study was constructed following an analysis of the computation technique for the CO2 basic unit of each construction material and energy source as well as the characteristics of the construction materials depending on the usage, structure, and form of the building. As a result, the computation model and assessment technique for elements to be assessed for the simplified assessment system, the detailed system, the site assessment system, and the building life cycle CO2 assessment system by construction project phase were obtained, and the object-oriented building life cycle CO2 assessment program (LOCAS) was developed by integrating these systems.