Title Prediction Model for Hoisting Times of Tower Crane using Discrete-Event Simulation in High-rise Building Construction
Authors Cho, Chang-Yeon ; Cho, Moon-Young ; Shin, Yoon-Seok
Page pp.151-158
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Discrete-event Simulation ; Hoisting Time ; Tower Crane ; High-rise Building Construction
Abstract The selection of appropriate tower crane is a critical for successful project completion in high-rise building construction. It is because the higher buildings are the more resources they need and the longer transportation distance they have. The prediction of hoisting time, which is one of the most important task for selecting the appropriated tower crane, mainly depends on the experience of practitioners and/or historical data. However, with this method, it is difficult to predict the accurate result considering site condition such as the increase of the transportation distance, the layout of stockyard, the specification of various tower cranes, and so on. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to propose a prediction model for hoisting times of tower crane using discrete-event simulation technique in high-rise building construction. To validate the proposed model, it was applied to actual cases of hoisting time using tower crane in high-rise building projects. As a result, it is a well-constructed model similar to actual transportation using tower crane on-site. The model can support the planner to make a plan of tower crane selection in the future project.