Title Relationships between Core Competencies and Educational Fulfillments of Junior Field Engineers of General Contractors
Authors Kim, Seung-Jin ; Kim, Han-Soo ; Shim, Jae-Hyun ; Kim, Dong-Hyun
Page pp.183-190
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Junior Field Engineers ; Core Competencies ; Educational Fulfillments ; General Contractors
Abstract The objective of the study is to investigate relationships between core competencies and university educational fulfillments of junior field engineers of general contractors based on the importance and performance analysis. It is importance to understand such relationships in order for universities to provide practical eduction for students to meet needs of their future employees. The study demonstrates that in general there exists a gap between the core competencies and educational fulfillments. In particular, it suggests that education related to construction management needs to be improved to support the core competencies of junior field engineers of general contractors.