Title A Basic Study on the Establishment of Open BIM Information Environment for Super-tall Buildings
Authors Kim In-Han ; Choi Jung-Sik ; Cho Dae-Gu ; Choo Seung-Yeon ; Cho Geun-Ha
Page pp.13-20
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Open BIM ; Supe-tall Building ; IFC ; IDM ; BIM Guidelines ; Quality Control
Abstract The interoperability problem among different software applications has been regarded as one of main limitations preventing wide adoption of BIM. Based on the motivation, IFC based open BIM has internationally developed as a solution for the problem. However, despite much interest and effort, the open BIM technologies are rarely introduced to the construction industry and need more technical development for a practical application as well. This paper aims to develop a standard process and guideline for wide adoption of open BIM technologies. The paper has analyzed previous studies related to open BIM applications focusing on super-tall buildings, reviewed required technologies of open BIM, defined information environment such as IDM, MVD, and finally proposed a standard process and guideline using an open BIM application scenario. The proposed standard process and guideline can be expected to improve interoperability among BIM applications and quality of information.