Title A Study on Proper Room Area Ratio Calculation of Elderly Welfare Facilities - Focused on K-water Elderly Welfare Facilities -
Authors Choi Jae-Uk ; Kim Dong-Il ; Lee Sang-Hong
Page pp.81-88
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Room Area Ratio ; Elderly Welfare Facilities ; Regression Analysis
Abstract The purpose of this study was to provide a basic information for the future elderly welfare facilities by analyzing elderly welfare facilities, investigating manger and user satisfaction on room area ratio. For this study, the theoretical basis like the concept, criteria and a condition of the elderly welfare facilities was referred. The present condition analysis was conducted about the elderly welfare facilities constructed and managed by the K-water. The manager and user satisfaction was researched for each room area ratio. The findings of this study were as follows: The optimal and satisfied room size was (1) of the public area 2.455㎡ for manager, 2.507㎡ for user, (2) of the adult day care 3.238㎡ for manager, 3.140㎡ for user, (3) of the welfare program facilities 1.946㎡ for manager, 1.872㎡ for user, (4) of the adult educational facilities 1.98㎡ for manager, 2.797㎡ for user, (5) of the management facilities 7.603㎡. The findings were based on the assumption that average users per day are 140.5 for the public facilities, 62.875 for the adult day care, 140.5 for the welfare program facilities, 58.75 for the adult educational facilities, and 10.625 for the management facilities. The more case study is needed to get the high R², find the optimal and satisfied room size because this study was so limited. Further research is required about the correlation between various factors like height, finishing materials, lighting and the manager and user satisfaction.