Title Realizing Publicness with Discourse and Participation on Architectural Design Process in the Case of Seattle Public Library
Authors Kim Seung-Bum ; Kim Kwang-Hyun
Page pp.131-138
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Publicness ; Discourse ; Participation ; Seattle Public Library ; Design Process ; Media ; Hannah Arendt ; Rem Koolhaas
Abstract The purpose of this study is to examine methods of realizing publicness with discourse and participation on architectural design process and to generalize necessity of the publicness. The publicness of this study is derived from 'speech and action' as the third condition of Human Condition(1958) by Hannah Arendt. For materializing concept of the publicness, the design process of Rem Koolhaas's Seattle Public Library was analyzed, and it was focused on the communication of multiple subjects concerned with the project including citizens. Citizen's participation features four categories like information opening and gathering opinions, events like design presentations, direct participation like inner workgroup or simulation, and media like newspapers. In consequence, some actions was taken out such as modifying building plans, withdrawing some unconventional designs, and discussing about regionality of Seattle. This study will broaden the concept of publicness from the present domain of physicality to the domain of discourse on the making process in the field of architecture.