Title Roles of Urban Planning Authorities and Their Guidelines in the Urban Design Decision Making Process, UK
Authors Kim Jung-Bin
Page pp.169-178
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Urban Planning System ; Urban Design ; Decision Making Process ; Planning Authorities ; Guideline
Abstract The purposes of this study, centered around the decision-making process of UK’s urban planning, are to analyze the establishment of background, and, as a requirement of its successful implementation, examine the role of public sector, and to understand their mutual connectivity. As the establishment of background, changes in the urban planning system and the perception about urban design were analyzed and the change process of urban planning decision-making process associated with this were examined. By systematically analyzing the relevant bodies and guidelines that contributed significantly in the successful implementation of urban planning decision making process, which were established while undergoing many changes, the proactive roles of public sector were examined. As such, ascertainable was the fact that the establishment of a sound urban environment is not done through the efforts of one part such a change in the overall urban planning system, decision-making process, roles of each of the related organizations, assistance of guidelines, etc. but through comprehensive and integrated efforts.